Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New Web Address

Well we changed our blog to the new tag line "Wise Family Online"...I know, very original. I have high hopes of keeping up with this "new" blog, my friends have inspired me to blog more often and let everyone know what we're up to, even though at times it's not all that exciting - sometimes it's just a good catch up tool to see what we're up to and how life is going with a little one and all our adventures!

I am very happy and relieved to have given some of our baby stuff to Kari to borrow for her baby boy. It saves us space while giving her useful items for her baby boy. I'm sure I have found even more stuff to give to her. We may use them again, but not for a while yet...give us a few years.

Jacob is still sick - hoping for a better day tomorrow. He isn't eating much and feels really bad, but I think the fever may be gone, thank goodness!!! I'll take any small steps in the right direction.

Well Jacob is in the bathtub and Daddy is batheing him so I better go and do the lotioning and teeth brushing (my nightly role) I will blog more later.